Sharon Stokes is a Life Coach and the creator of the Life Map and #theyearofme programs. Through these programs she helps people develop their confidence by working through fears and limiting beliefs, so they can go after anything they want in life.

In this episode, we take a deep dive into choosing adventure to shape your life. Sharon reminds us that adventures can be any size - even trying a new coffee shop counts! When we open ourselves up to new experiences, we always grow a little and take one step closer to life fulfillment.

Take a listen, and learn how:
-Choosing adventure has shaped Sharon's life
-To know when it's time to embrace adventure in your life
-Sharon's signature metaphor, The Life Map, can help you lead your life
-To deal with backseat drivers in your life

Find out more about Sharon and connect with her here:
Free Life Map Guide:
Instagram: sharon.stokes
Twitter: @sharonjstokes