Food Scientist and Registered Nutritionist, Kriben Govender (Honours Degree in Food Science & Technology) has an eye-opening discussion with EMF radiation expert Patrick Van der Burght on the dangers of man-made electro-magnetic fields generated by smart and wireless technology (eg. wifi, mobile phones) and strategies to reduce the exposure in the home to keep your family safe.    Bio:    A family brush with cancer and success with complementary therapies motivated Patrick to study naturopathy, various types of bio-resonance and building Geobiology. Patrick is the director of Geovital USA/AU/NZ, is a Geovital instructor, author and international speaker on patient-focused radiation protection.     Topics discussed:   Home EMF and Geo-stress assessments Patrick’s wife brain cancer struggle  The body heals itself during sleep Irritation of Low-Level radiation  Fixing your bedroom What is Electro Smog and Pollution? Low-Frequency Radiation- Magnetic Fields Purchasing a house- measure EMFs first Electric Fields in the bedroom Dirty electricity Radio Frequency Radiation How does magnetic radiation affect the body? Bioinitiative Report Impact of Smart Meters EMFs and Fertility issues (Male and Female) EMFs and DNA damage EMFs and Autism EMFs and Cancer Mobile Phone towers near schools The impending dangers of 5G mobile networks Our interview Dr Jack Kruse EMFs and stress response (fight or flight) EMFs and digestion EMFs and Mood EMFs, Light and Melatonin (The master anti-oxidant and sleep hormone) Blue light blocking glasses Light and the Microbiome EMF production device myth-busting  Strategies to Reduce EMF Radiation  Air Tube Headsets for mobile phones The Inverse Square Law- Distance matters Crystals and EMF Reduction Faraday Bags Removing Wireless Technology Eco-mode cordless phones Light bulbs EMFs and Solar Panels Measuring EMFs in the home Home Assessments Safe levels of EMF Kill Switches  EMF shielding EMFs and Children Patrick’s top health tip Brought to you by:   Nourishme Organics- Stockist of the MitoHQ Mitometer   Start measuring the EMF radiation in your environment with the most user friend EMF detection meter available  

Microbiome Stool Testing, Deuterium Testing and Nutritional Consulting

    Connect with Patrick van der Burght   Website-       Connect with Kriben Govender:    Facebook- Instagram- Youtube- Gut Health Gurus Facebook Group: Deuterium Depletion Support Facebook Group:   Download links    
        If you enjoyed this episode and would like to show your support:   1) Please subscribe on Itunes and leave a positive review     Instructions:   - Click this link   - Click "View in Itunes" button on the left-hand side - This will open the Itunes app - Click the "Subscribe" button - Click on "Ratings and Reviews" tab - Click on "Write a Review" button   Non-Itunes users can leave a Google Review here:     2) Subscribe, like and leave a positive comment on Youtube   3) Share your favourite episode on Facebook, Instagram, and Stories 4) Let your friends and family know about this Podcast by email, text, messenger etc         Thank you so much for your support. It means the world to us.

Food Scientist and Registered Nutritionist, Kriben Govender (Honours Degree in Food Science & Technology) has an eye-opening discussion with EMF radiation expert Patrick Van der Burght on the dangers of man-made electro-magnetic fields generated by smart and wireless technology (eg. wifi, mobile phones) and strategies to reduce the exposure in the home to keep your family safe.    Bio:    A family brush with cancer and success with complementary therapies motivated Patrick to study naturopathy, various types of bio-resonance and building Geobiology. Patrick is the director of Geovital USA/AU/NZ, is a Geovital instructor, author and international speaker on patient-focused radiation protection.     Topics discussed:   Home EMF and Geo-stress assessments Patrick’s wife brain cancer struggle  The body heals itself during sleep Irritation of Low-Level radiation  Fixing your bedroom What is Electro Smog and Pollution? Low-Frequency Radiation- Magnetic Fields Purchasing a house- measure EMFs first Electric Fields in the bedroom Dirty electricity Radio Frequency Radiation How does magnetic radiation affect the body? Bioinitiative Report Impact of Smart Meters EMFs and Fertility issues (Male and Female) EMFs and DNA damage EMFs and Autism EMFs and Cancer Mobile Phone towers near schools The impending dangers of 5G mobile networks Our interview Dr Jack Kruse EMFs and stress response (fight or flight) EMFs and digestion EMFs and Mood EMFs, Light and Melatonin (The master anti-oxidant and sleep hormone) Blue light blocking glasses Light and the Microbiome EMF production device myth-busting  Strategies to Reduce EMF Radiation  Air Tube Headsets for mobile phones The Inverse Square Law- Distance matters Crystals and EMF Reduction Faraday Bags Removing Wireless Technology Eco-mode cordless phones Light bulbs EMFs and Solar Panels Measuring EMFs in the home Home Assessments Safe levels of EMF Kill Switches  EMF shielding EMFs and Children Patrick’s top health tip Brought to you by:   Nourishme Organics- Stockist of the MitoHQ Mitometer   Start measuring the EMF radiation in your environment with the most user friend EMF detection meter available  

Microbiome Stool Testing, Deuterium Testing and Nutritional Consulting

    Connect with Patrick van der Burght   Website-       Connect with Kriben Govender:    Facebook- Instagram- Youtube- Gut Health Gurus Facebook Group: Deuterium Depletion Support Facebook Group:   Download links                 If you enjoyed this episode and would like to show your support:   1) Please subscribe on Itunes and leave a positive review     Instructions:   - Click this link   - Click "View in Itunes" button on the left-hand side - This will open the Itunes app - Click the "Subscribe" button - Click on "Ratings and Reviews" tab - Click on "Write a Review" button   Non-Itunes users can leave a Google Review here:     2) Subscribe, like and leave a positive comment on Youtube   3) Share your favourite episode on Facebook, Instagram, and Stories 4) Let your friends and family know about this Podcast by email, text, messenger etc         Thank you so much for your support. It means the world to us.