Kriben Govender (Honours Degree in Food Science and Technology) and James Shadrach (Honours Degree in Psychology) have a groundbreaking discussion with Dr Gabor Somlyai on the role that the hydrogen isotope, deuterium plays in the growth of cancer cells and using deuterium depleted water as a cancer treatment. We also discuss using deuterium depleted water as a cancer prevention strategy and other benefits like improved gut health and athletic performance.     Bio:   Dr Gábor Somlyai graduated as a biologist from the University of Szeged in 1982. Between 1982 and 1990 he worked for the Department of Plant Pathology, Plant Protection Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. He had a scholarship from the Hungarian Academy of Sciences while studying for his PhD and defended his thesis in molecular biology in 1988. Dr Somlyai spent six months at the Georg-August University in Göttingen on a DFG scholarship after receiving his PhD. He followed that with a postdoctoral fellowship in the field of genetic engineering and gene mapping at the University of Missouri in Columbia, Missouri. In the wake of the Hungarian, Nobel-prize winning scientist Albert Szent-Györgyi – who said that the true cause of cancer should be looked for at the sub-molecular level – Gábor began his examining the biological importance of naturally occurring deuterium as a senior research fellow at the Hungarian Institute of Oncology in 1990. In 1993 Gabor established HYD Ltd. for Research and Development (now HYD LLC. for Cancer Research and Drug Development) to carry out cancer research and drug development based on the proprietary procedure called deuterium depletion. Dr Somlyai served as the scientific director of HYD Ltd. between 1993 and 1997 before becoming the CEO of the company. In 2012 he also began serving as the General Director of HYD’s parent company, HYD Pharma Inc. His book, Defeating Cancer!, was published in Hungary in 2000. It has since been published in Romania, Japan, China, South-Korea and the U.S.A. Gábor is a holder of numerous international patents, an author of more than 40 scientific publications, and is a highly sought-after speaker at international conferences.   Topics discussed:    Explanatory journalism in a world full of new information New Science of the Microbiome The Ecology of the body The Human Microbiome Project Definition of the Microbiome Hydrogen/ Deuterium Ratio and Cancer Growth Albert Szent-Gyorgyi, Could Solving the Cancer riddle be sub-molecular? What is Deuterium? The Origin of Deuterium in Biology Deuterium and Hydrogen Descimitnation Deuterium Depleted water and Cancer Cells/ Tumour Growth Sodium Hydrogen Antiport Signalling Mitochondria, Deuterium Depleted Metabolic Water and Cancer Growth What are Mitochondria? Mitochondrial Nanomotors and Energy Production Carbohydrate and Fat Dietary Source and Deuterium Content Diet, Movement and Deuterium Level in the Body Glucose and Fat Metabolism and Modification of Biochemical Pathways Deuterium Depleted water and athletic performance Deuterium and Mitochondrial Damage Deuterium Content of Drinking Water Deuterium Content in the Body Cancer Formation and Growth  Modifying the probability of getting Cancer Deuterium and rate of Cancer Growth Periodic Replenishment of Mitochondria using Deuterium Depleted Water Cancer Prevention using Deuterium Depleted Water Deuterium Content of Australia Water Integrating Deuterium Depletion into Conventional Cancer Therapies Effect Dose of Deuterium Depleted Water for Cancer Treatment Deuterium Depleted Water for Veterinary Cancer Preventa Deuterium Depleted Water Deuterium and Gut Health


Brought to you by:   Nourishme Organics proud partner of Preventa    Learn more about Deuterium Depleted Water here:      

Microbiome Stool Testing, Deuterium Testing and Nutritional Consulting

    Connect with Dr Gabor Somlyai   Website-     Connect with Kriben Govender:    Facebook- Instagram- Youtube- Gut Health Gurus Facebook Group: Mito Wellness Support Facebook Group:   Download links    
        If you enjoyed this episode and would like to show your support:   1) Please subscribe on Itunes and leave a positive review     Instructions:   - Click this link   - Click "View in Itunes" button on the left-hand side - This will open the Itunes app - Click the "Subscribe" button - Click on "Ratings and Reviews" tab - Click on "Write a Review" button   Non-Itunes users can leave a Google Review here:     2) Subscribe, like and leave a positive comment on Youtube   3) Share your favourite episode on Facebook, Instagram, and Stories 4) Let your friends and family know about this Podcast by email, text, messenger etc   Thank you so much for your support. It means the world to us.

Kriben Govender (Honours Degree in Food Science and Technology) and James Shadrach (Honours Degree in Psychology) have a groundbreaking discussion with Dr Gabor Somlyai on the role that the hydrogen isotope, deuterium plays in the growth of cancer cells and using deuterium depleted water as a cancer treatment. We also discuss using deuterium depleted water as a cancer prevention strategy and other benefits like improved gut health and athletic performance.     Bio:   Dr Gábor Somlyai graduated as a biologist from the University of Szeged in 1982. Between 1982 and 1990 he worked for the Department of Plant Pathology, Plant Protection Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. He had a scholarship from the Hungarian Academy of Sciences while studying for his PhD and defended his thesis in molecular biology in 1988. Dr Somlyai spent six months at the Georg-August University in Göttingen on a DFG scholarship after receiving his PhD. He followed that with a postdoctoral fellowship in the field of genetic engineering and gene mapping at the University of Missouri in Columbia, Missouri. In the wake of the Hungarian, Nobel-prize winning scientist Albert Szent-Györgyi – who said that the true cause of cancer should be looked for at the sub-molecular level – Gábor began his examining the biological importance of naturally occurring deuterium as a senior research fellow at the Hungarian Institute of Oncology in 1990. In 1993 Gabor established HYD Ltd. for Research and Development (now HYD LLC. for Cancer Research and Drug Development) to carry out cancer research and drug development based on the proprietary procedure called deuterium depletion. Dr Somlyai served as the scientific director of HYD Ltd. between 1993 and 1997 before becoming the CEO of the company. In 2012 he also began serving as the General Director of HYD’s parent company, HYD Pharma Inc. His book, Defeating Cancer!, was published in Hungary in 2000. It has since been published in Romania, Japan, China, South-Korea and the U.S.A. Gábor is a holder of numerous international patents, an author of more than 40 scientific publications, and is a highly sought-after speaker at international conferences.   Topics discussed:    Explanatory journalism in a world full of new information New Science of the Microbiome The Ecology of the body The Human Microbiome Project Definition of the Microbiome Hydrogen/ Deuterium Ratio and Cancer Growth Albert Szent-Gyorgyi, Could Solving the Cancer riddle be sub-molecular? What is Deuterium? The Origin of Deuterium in Biology Deuterium and Hydrogen Descimitnation Deuterium Depleted water and Cancer Cells/ Tumour Growth Sodium Hydrogen Antiport Signalling Mitochondria, Deuterium Depleted Metabolic Water and Cancer Growth What are Mitochondria? Mitochondrial Nanomotors and Energy Production Carbohydrate and Fat Dietary Source and Deuterium Content Diet, Movement and Deuterium Level in the Body Glucose and Fat Metabolism and Modification of Biochemical Pathways Deuterium Depleted water and athletic performance Deuterium and Mitochondrial Damage Deuterium Content of Drinking Water Deuterium Content in the Body Cancer Formation and Growth  Modifying the probability of getting Cancer Deuterium and rate of Cancer Growth Periodic Replenishment of Mitochondria using Deuterium Depleted Water Cancer Prevention using Deuterium Depleted Water Deuterium Content of Australia Water Integrating Deuterium Depletion into Conventional Cancer Therapies Effect Dose of Deuterium Depleted Water for Cancer Treatment Deuterium Depleted Water for Veterinary Cancer Preventa Deuterium Depleted Water Deuterium and Gut Health


Brought to you by:   Nourishme Organics proud partner of Preventa    Learn more about Deuterium Depleted Water here:      

Microbiome Stool Testing, Deuterium Testing and Nutritional Consulting

    Connect with Dr Gabor Somlyai   Website-     Connect with Kriben Govender:    Facebook- Instagram- Youtube- Gut Health Gurus Facebook Group: Mito Wellness Support Facebook Group:   Download links                 If you enjoyed this episode and would like to show your support:   1) Please subscribe on Itunes and leave a positive review     Instructions:   - Click this link   - Click "View in Itunes" button on the left-hand side - This will open the Itunes app - Click the "Subscribe" button - Click on "Ratings and Reviews" tab - Click on "Write a Review" button   Non-Itunes users can leave a Google Review here:     2) Subscribe, like and leave a positive comment on Youtube   3) Share your favourite episode on Facebook, Instagram, and Stories 4) Let your friends and family know about this Podcast by email, text, messenger etc   Thank you so much for your support. It means the world to us.