You will lose many things, people, and situations in life, even (and maybe especially) when you’re making changes in a positive direction. Here’s the lowdown on the stages of grief and how they work (hint: it’s not linear) so that you can anticipate what’s to come. 

Quote to remember: 

“Any life transition involves some kind of loss.” 


Grief is part of all change, whether the change is good or badThe fourth stage of depression often feels like the worst part, despite it being before acceptanceAccepting change and everything that comes with it The stages of grief do not go in order, and you cycle between them rather than go step by stepNo emotion lasts for very longJudging our feelings will add another layer of feelings

What you’ll learn:

Why we might feel negative emotions when we’re making positive changes in our livesThe stages of griefThe optional sixth stage of griefWhat grieving looks like when we make a positive change

Mentioned on the podcast: 

Healing from Betrayal with Dr. Debi SilberElisabeth Kübler-Ross and David Kessler’s work


THIS WEEK’S CHALLENGE: Notice one moment when you are grieving the loss of something. Which stage(s) are you in?


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