Kylie went from homeless single mother to business owner, author, speaker, and charity ambassador. Her mission is to empower women through financial independence. Having overcome homelessness, domestic violence, health issues including paralysis and extreme pain, Kylie now speaks about turning obstacles into opportunities in business and life.

Quotes to remember: 

“By saying yes to things that scared me, I ended up with a whole bunch of opportunities that I could not have created myself.”

“Start with small steps and focus on what you can do each day to make a positive difference.”


Have an attitude of gratitude in the face of adversity and ask: What can I be grateful for? What opportunities can come from this? What lessons can I learn from this?Building confidence is a process of liking who you are and getting closer to goalsVisualization and affirmations are skills that we get better at over timeStart with one small change day by day rather than overhauling things 

What you’ll learn:

Kylie’s extreme experiences over the course of 5 years and how she faces each obstacle with her mindsetHow she dealt with an abusive ex-husband The red flags of an abusive relationship, and why many people don’t immediately leave an abusive relationshipHow to deal with very stressful situationsHow to turn obstacles into opportunitiesAbout Kylie’s journey overcoming depression and suicidalityWhat financial freedom looks like for her

Mentioned on the podcast: Thrifty Issue





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