It’s important to be present. Sure. But what does that mean? How do we do it, in spite of all the distractions and things to do and neverending obligations? Here is a paradigm shift on how to relate to the future (and past). 

Quotes to remember: 

“The future is an idea that exists in our minds.”

“It becomes a joy to live in the mystery.” 

“There is nothing to fear in the present moment because there is nothing unknown.” 


Does it help us to remain present in every single moment? Yes.Living for the future puts us in a constant state of waiting and judgment in the presentWe think about both the past and the future, in the present; they are ideasEverything is temporary

What you’ll learn:

How to remain present A different way to view the past and the futureHow living in the present moment feels

THIS WEEK’S CHALLENGE: Find one instance in your life where your present is serving your future. Flip it and see how your idea of the future is serving your present. 

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