A quick rundown on how to craft affirmations that work, and when it’s best to use them. Thoughts have a measurable impact on our brains and bodies, so let’s use it to our benefit. 

Quotes to remember: 

“A thought isn’t just some kind of imaginary idea; it literally has a physical presence in our brains and in our bodies.” 

“Just because there’s no clear scientific reason why it works doesn’t mean you can’t use it to your benefit.” 


Self-affirmation has immediate results in the momentThe mind defaults to the negative because it is looking for threatsThoughts become thingsThe subconscious mind follows different rules than the conscious mind, and interprets things symbolicallyAffirmations don’t need to be complicatedAffirmations, like mantras, gain power over time and useIt’s not so much the words themselves that work--it is the images that the words createAffirmation produces a subtle shift in the body

What you’ll learn:

How to craft a good affirmation that worksThe major way that people go wrong in creating an affirmationWhen to use self-affirmation

THIS WEEK’S CHALLENGE: Find 2 affirmations that resonate with you. Take 1 minute (time it!) and repeat these affirmations to yourself. 

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