The systems we live in don’t define who we are. We are not limited by our bodies or our minds… Seeing this physical reality as a game or multiple games can help us get out of our heads and beyond these illusions of limitation.

Quotes to remember: 

“There is a part of us that is eternal and that is boundless, and can’t be confined by a system…”

“We are not the thinker. We are the thing that observes the thinker in us.”


It’s important to recognize the systems we partake inWe can mistake the game for real lifeThere is a part of us that is always wild and freeWe don’t need to win every game

What you’ll learn:

What it takes to become aware of the systems we are inWhat it looks like to step outside the systemsHow to exit the illusions of the physical worldThe look and feel of being present and identifying with your spirit

THIS WEEK’S CHALLENGE: Take a couple of minutes to reflect on what life would be like if everything in your life were a game. What kind of person are you when you play a game? 

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