A must-listen if you have racing thoughts and can’t focus well. Here are some useful techniques to detox and gain focus and clarity, as well as connect with yourself. 

Quotes to remember: 

“To be able to focus is your source of power.”

“There’s only a handful of thoughts that you constantly have in one day.” 


There is the acute detox and the general detox; acute detox is dramatic, like fasting, and general detox is ongoingReduce all distraction, turn off notifications, put phone on airplane mode most of the day and in the nightBooks and novels count as media to detox fromThe constant back-and-forth switching of focus takes a huge toll on us and our mindsSwitch your mindset from always connected to always disconnected except for select moments of interactionTry leaving your phone in a different room or at home when you go outThe real FOMO is fear of missing out on yourself

What you’ll learn:

How to do a digital detox and a mental detoxTechniques to limit your time with techThree techniques to do a mental cleanseA different way to think about FOMO

Mentioned on the podcast: 

The Artist’s Way - Julia CameronCBT

THIS WEEK’S CHALLENGE: Identify one recurring thought. Write it down. Then spend one day as if that thought was not a concern in your life.

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