Passed 2,500 downloads of the show this Easter weekend: Thank you for your support.

Have about 50 responses for the survey I placed on BGG this weekend.

Here are some of the results:

100%!: 100% of listeners reported that they plan to listen to future episodes; this feedback was the type of good news needed to lift my spirits after the horrendous 0-3 start the Beloved Minnesota Twins had to kick off the 2012 baseball season.

Episode Quality: Scale: 1=poor, 5=great

Episode 1: Audio 2.2, Interviews 4.1 and Other Content 3.9. Episode 2: Audio 2.9, Interviews 4.1 and Other Content 4.0 

Comment: Well, we improved the audio quality of the show after better understanding the Garage Band software. We will continue to strive to improve the audio quality. Very happy that the listeners rated the quality of content high in both episodes.

Time in Hobby: About a 1/3 of listeners have been in the hobby less than 10 years;

Comment: I think that is probably reflective of the hobby in general. Will try work something into each episode for newer members of the hobby.

Scale: Favorite scale for listeners: About 1/3 tactical hex, 1/5 Op/Strategic hex and 1/5 CDWs (Card Driven Wargames)...with the rest falling into other/no favorite.

Comment: I play a mix of CDWs and Op/Strategic hex. Will see if I can round up a tactical hex gamer from time to time.

Purchasing Power: About 1/5 of listeners purchase 1 to 4 wargames a year, 1/2 five to nine and 1/4 more than 10 games.

Podcast impact on play and $: About 2/3 of listeners report that GDB had some or significant impact on what wargames they will play or purchase.

Comment: Will try to always work in a segment of Uncontrollable Urge: those games that must be purchased or played NOW!

Top Content Requests: game reviews, Designer interviews, game strategy/tactics, panels, developer interviews, hobby news and game recommendations.

Where? About 2/3 of listeners heard about Guns, Dice, Butter on BGG; 1/3 on Consim.

Comment: Would be good to expand the audience to reach wargamers that hang out in other online spaces. Drop me a line to identify other online places where wargamers hang.

Favorite period: WWII (1/3), followed by ACW (1/10)

Favorite armies: Top 3: Rome, WWII USA and WWII Germans. Also receiving high mention: WWII Russians, WWII Brits, ACW blue bellies, NAP Brits, the Crusaders, Ancient Greece and Macedon. Least favorite: ZULUs! Followed by NAP Prussians (Blucher is not pleased).

Comment: I did some analysis on this subject on BGG a few years ago – link to it here:

Regular fans of other podcasts: Point2point 2/3, Noise before Defeat ½, Contact with the Enemy – Half Squads (ASL) – Hex Encounter – Dice Tower – Rusted Dice and I’ve Been Diced all listened to by about 1/3 of listeners

Comment: Great to see other podcasts serving the wargaming tribe; three sprouted up in the last month.