Summary stats from various GDB listener surveys on Boardgamegeek (BGG). Some very interesting stats:

> The percentage of listeners that have been in the wargame hobby less than 5 years is now 43% - vs about 20% that we had in 2012. I wonder if GDB is just attracting a higher percentage of rookies within in the hobby, or, if the hobby is actually beginning to add significant new users.

> The average GDB listener buys about 1 game a month...$838/yr...33% indicating that they are purchasing more games in 2013 (vs 2012), 51% staying about the same and only 17% cutting back on game purchases; so, on a scale of 1 to 5 (with 5 indicating more purchases in 2013 and a 1 indicating less) the net is 3.2 - moderate growth in 2013.

> 53% of listeners have more than 5 preorders currently and 70% have utilized Kickstarter to purchase games

> 97% of listeneers indicate they plan to continue to listen to GDB...with 46% describing themselves as nutcase fans ... and over 2/3rds have listened to all GDB episodes :-)

> 50% indicate they've purchased games after hearing them discussed on GDB, while another 35% indicating GDB has had an impact on their game purchases

> Number one choice for the next panel discussion is one focussing on wargames to be published in 2013. Episode VI July 2012 - we did a panel on games published in 2011 and 2012. Episode VIII Sept 2012 we did a panel on "games in the pipeline". So, maybe after the summer con's, that would be a good subject to tackle. So far in 2013, a list of wargames that have caught my eye include: Iron and Oak (ACW naval), Rebel Raiders on the High Seas (ACW naval), Guns of Gettysburg, War of the Suns, In Country: Vietnam 1965-75 S&T), Norway 1940 (World at War zine) and Democracy Under Siege (DTP)

> Second choice? American Civil War panel (we've been planning that one for awhile - hope to have sooner than later).

THANK YOU for the great feedback!