Welcome to Episode XIII of Guns, Dice, Butter: (Season 2: #3)

0:00: Episode Intro

0:08 Greenwood: Intro to gaming

0.17 The jump to Avalon Hill

0:30 D&D, SL, ASL and peak at AH

0:44 Nappy Wars, start of Avaloncon/WBC

1:02 WBC Survey

1:10 What is Don playing?

1:27 Thompson: Niagara Broadgame Weekend: Ardennes 44, It Never Snows

1:40 Eclipse

1:43 Playing Greenwood in BKN

1:53 All hail Pax Porfiriana

2:08 Solomons Campaign/Operation Shoestring

2:14 Wrap: Shout outs, on the table/on the plate, the call for ideas/volunteers/support regarding a  world wide wargamer recruitment weekend.
