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Ed Wimble and I refered to a number of books on Episode 2. Following is that list:

Logistics and the Failure of the British Army in America by R. Arthur Bowler

The Southern Strategy by David Wilson

The War for America by Piers Mackesy

The Long Fuse: How England Lost the American Colonies 1760-1785 by Don Cook

The Frontier War for American Independence by William R. Nester

I've read all but Mr.Wilson's book and would highly recommend the whole lot: they really gave me a different perspective on the conflict. I will be getting a copy of Mr.Wilson's book very shortly. 

I also referred to a forum that where Wilson and Wimble hold court that I think is about the best thing on the net regarding the American Revolutionary War (Art of War: David K. Wilson - in the Blog Central section of A link here: