Nathan Hahn began playing guitar at age 13, trying to sound like the rock bands he heard on the radio. His parents bought him his first electric guitar for his 14th birthday, and he spent a good deal of the next few years learning various alternative rock songs by ear. A teacher at a local music store introduced him to lead-guitar playing, and although he stopped taking lessons after a few months, he had already gleaned the valuable basics of scales and improvisation. Hahn noodled around for a few years while developing some basic technique, and he played lead guitar in a band with some friends in high school.
After graduation, Hahn's guitar playing was taken to the next level when he joined Guitar War—a music competition Web site (now called Musician War). There, Hahn had the chance to compete and converse with dozens of skilled guitarists who exposed him to many new techniques, artists, and styles. The interaction motivated Hahn to practice more to improve his rather limited skills, and he soon found himself playing up to three hours a day.

After participating at Guitar War for less than a year, his efforts culminated in a “Pro War” championship—the most prestigious honor on the site. Hahn's favorite guitarist is Andy Timmons—a fellow Texan whom he admires for his expressiveness, attitude, and incredible skill. Though he still composes occasionally, Hahn has less and less time to play guitar as he progresses through the chemical engineering program at the University of Houston.