This week on Guided Spirit Conversations, Marla welcomes two other self-love experts: Harmony Nixon and Nicola Fernandes. Join them for a discussion on Self-Love and finding the love you desire and deserve in yourself! Harmony Nixon is a Self-Love Mentor, Healer, Teacher, Writer, and Author with a passion for helping people embrace who they are so they can shine their unique light out into the world. For many years Shaman Nicola Fernandes has been a Guide on the journey for Self-Love & Fulfillment, to inspire others to live in joy, become love, and bring their own gifts to the world! Nicola, Harmony, and Marla will discuss ways they prioritize themselves and focus on self-love through their own spiritual journey. These three ladies will inspire to make your valentine's day extra special even if you don't have a Valentine. For more information about our guests: