Did you know that you can ask your angels for protection?

During this show, we discuss how to ask for protection plus other ways to connect with your angels, and how working with angels helps your spirituality.

I welcome two angel experts: Laurie Parente and Kimberly Marooney. Laurie Parente is an Intuitive, Angel Medium, and Energetic Healer.

For more information about Laurie: https://www.laurieparente.com/

The founder of http://theangelministry.com/, and President of Gateway University, a School for the Study of Higher Consciousness, Kimberly is here to show us the way to joyful living through angel healing connections.

For more information about Kimberly: https://kimberlymarooney.com/


Don't forget to check out my website: https://www.marlagoldberrg.com/