break away get off my back hallucinations keep it heavy it's love father's name is dad infrared and ultraviolet cheap cheap time I live money money saves me a merman I should turn to be clouds ear ringing winter by the window in summer by the sea dreaming over la lune trannic knife making mantra RH02 wrong mushroom daikaiju one from out mid fall mind fuck made in germany muzyka modrzewia a path to ascension leads through valleys of shadow ag canadh thus sa speir 09 bring the sun-toussaint l'ouverture

the next exit henchmen baker knight and the knightmares creme soda the misty wizards fire utopia dream can jimi hendrix with bob matthies and chaga people like us sean derrick cooper marquart nobodisoundz tarrmac over the edge LIL mlada fronta seesar sage pbbbt furchick with kaitlyn veronica de fabriek the magic carpathians sighell nurse with wound negativeland swans

Art: Louis Wain