A very good friend of mine speaking all the way from Tel Aviv Israel, Chen 'Globetrotter' Gershuni has had a huge, invisible influence on the planets autistic advocacy through his tireless and selfless translation work as much as becoming a major hub of positive self advocacy. Chen is renown the world over online and is a regular on the UK's Autscape event. He is also a musician and player of the stick. Look 'em up.

He's a brilliant man and a lot quieter and smarter than me. Which of course is saying a great deal, etcetera. I caught him in his living room.

During the podcast you will hear a reference to a man called Jonathan Mitchell being interviewed on a YouTube channel that I name as Autism One. In fact I got the name wrong. It was the Autism Live Channel. This interview is worth seeing on account of the sheer paradox that Mitchell presents in platforming himself as an autistic person who stands against anyone being positive about their autistic natures. When he himself clearly presents as someone who can work around the limits of his autistic nature, as he sees it limiting him.

Now, what he refuses to acknowledge is that others can have equally valid but different opinions. The eerie inability to stop seeing his opinion as the ONLY one that should be seen and believed in life. The total inability to concede and see anything in the arguments and statements of others.

Mitchell is a full time troll who relentlessly criticises anyone on mainly Twitter that he disagrees with. He has had substantial mainstream media coverage and cannot understand that he represents a schism in the greater Neurodiversity Movement that he both rejects and considers himself not to be part of. I see the term Neurodiversity Movement as a metaphor. Not a card carrying organisation. Notice also, the way that he uses the term Neurodiversity Movement as he wants it to be seen.

Mitchell is actually part of a visible, online group of what are clearly his close personal friends. A phenomena he keeps saying that he cannot have or enjoy.


What is weird is that Mitchell states how much he has been attacked and insulted, without any reference to what he's been doing to people. Even when they did not know. He's rather fond of relentlessly criticising people who have blocked him and have no idea he's doing it.

Poor Jonathan is a fine example of how in the world of social media, people do not seem to be able to understand that their ideas and statements can be seen in completely different ways to how they think they should be.

The Autism Live channel is a very dubious thing. The presenter was found by me in one episode, staring in awe at Andrew Wakefield and Del Bigtree, his Dr Goebells, doing their usual material on how the vaccines their own bodies were doubtless full of (certainly Wakefields if not Bigtree. His zealous preacher parents may not have had him protected) were potentially dangerous and even lethal. This film is no longer findable. It appears to be run by the C.A.R.D or Centre of Autism and Related Disorders, the boss of which appeared in the Andrew Wakefield paranoid conspiracy theory medical science fiction film Vaxxed 1.

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