This week on Open Sources Guelph, we fly the orange flag of welcome for local NDP candidate Aisha Jahangir, the latest candidate to join us for our 2019 series of interview for this Federal Election, but that's just half the show. For the second half we're going to look out further at the national campaign, and then take in all the latest drama south of the border, which this week has been more substantial than usual.

This Thursday, September 19, at 5 pm, Scotty Hertz and Adam A. Donaldson will discuss:

Nurse Aisha. This week, we continue our candidate profiles by talking to Aisha Jahangir of the NDP. Jahangir comes from a traditional New Democratic background being a nurse, and a labour organizer, but working as a mental health nurse, first at Homewood here in Guelph and currently at the Hamilton-Wentworth Detention Centre, gives her experience that puts her at the intersection of a lot of the big issues face Canadians this election. We'll talk to Jahangir about her experience, the NDP platform, and why she wants to represent Guelph in Ottawa.

Back to the Regularly Scheduled Campaign? Any and every campaign story last week was blown off the proverbial front page due to the brown and black face controversy from Prime Minster Justin Trudeau's yearbook past, but nearly a week later it seems like that's old news even as Trudeau and Jagmeet Singh have a top secret phone call to talk about the matter. In the mean time, it seems like climate change is back on the national agenda, just in time for a week of climate strike events. So what does the Federal Election look like with just over three weeks till E-Day?

Once More Onto the Impeach! It looks like Donald Trump didn't get the message from the Mueller Report, and tried again to solicit help from a foreign power in an election campaign, but this time it might cost him. A news report about a whistleblower that heard something on a call they didn't like has snowballed into the impeachment drama we've long been expecting, but never thought we'd see. Will this week be remembered as the beginning of the end of the Trump presidency, or is it just another bump in the road?

Open SourcesĀ is live on CFRU 93.3 fm andĀ at 5 pm on Thursday.