This week on Open Sources Guelph, the roof is on fire, and so is everything else. Yes, we will tackle the implications of the wildfires spreading across the U.S. west coast, and we will consider the successful gambit of the returning champion Progressive Conservative Party in New Brunswick. After those two issues, we will have another remote chat with our Member of Parliament about federal concerns on the local level.

This Thursday, September 17, at 5 pm, Scotty Hertz and Adam A. Donaldson will discuss:

Higgs Will Fly. New Brunswick wrapped up the first provincial election of the COVID era Monday with a successful return to power for PC leader Blaine Higgs whose party will now govern with a majority. The Liberals seemed to be the big losers, and the apparent star-power of former Sargent-at-Arms Kevin Vickers seemed to have little effect on the electorate, at least not so much as the appearance of good pandemic management. So did Higgs just show other minority governments the way to majority?

Fire Stressed. Wild fires along the west coast of the United States are now a regular occurrence, but have they ever been this bad? Because of the millions of acres ablaze, the western states now have the worst air quality in the world, and the effects of the smoke can be felt all the way in our neck of the woods. Meanwhile, U.S. President Donald Trump could only give Californians assurances that the temperature will go down soon (sound familiar?). Might this finally raise the alarm about climate change in the States?

Watch the Throne Speech. This time next week, we will have heard the Speech from the Throne, and the Federal government's new COVID-era agenda for Canada. This week, Guelph MP Lloyd Longfield will give us an in-depth preview of the Speech... just kidding! Seriously though, Longfield will tell us what he's looking for in the speech, the work to supporting non-profits and charities during the pandemic recovery, and whether or not his Liberal colleagues have learned any valuable lessons from the WE scandal.

Open SourcesĀ is live on CFRU 93.3 fm andĀ at 5 pm on Thursday.