This week on Open Sources Guelph, we're just really eager to get this election started, Justin! (He might be listening.) So we'll kick off this week's episode with an election preview, and then we'll get into the week's news, which is also, for the most part, about elections. We'll discuss the increased security for a Federal cabinet minister because of online threats, the results of the Manitoba election, and some more of the U.S. President's patented Kool-Aid Man diplomacy. 

This Thursday, September 11, at 5 pm, Scotty Hertz and Adam A. Donaldson will discuss:

Super Karate Monkey Death Car Election Preview. It's almost here! And it may be here by the time you're reading this. Yes, this is the final countdown to the 2019 Federal Election (or the official launch depending on how all the timing works out), so we'll look at where the parties stand as the writ is drawn up. Who has the biggest advantage? Who has the biggest challenges? Is this Justin Trudeau's election to lose, or Andrew Scheer's election to win? Let's get election ready!

Troll Through the Park. In another kind of preview of Election 2019, it was reported that Catherine McKenna, the Minister of the Environment, has been given added security because of online threats. It's no secret that McKenna triggers a certain kind of troll, pejoratives like "Climate Barbie" have been all the rage since she was appoint to cabinet in 2015, but how has this gone as far as death threats? Also, and we really should be asking this more often, what's wrong with people?

More Life for Brian? The Manitoba Provincial Election was this past Tuesday, and if the advanced polls are to be believed, then Progressive Conservative Premier Brian Pallister walked to another victory in the Keystone province. So what did any of this prove? Did this cold, cynical polliticking of calling an election midsummer, and a year early, work, and what effect will this have on Manitoba voters as they face back-to-back elections?

The Negotiate Story. In a surprise Twitter announcement (as if there's any other) U.S. President Donald Trump announced that he was cancelling a meeting with the President of Afghanistan and the leaders of the Taliban at Camp David to discuss a peace treaty. It was bad optics that they were meeting on the 18th anniversary of 9/11, but there are worse optics like the rare split between Trump and V.P. Mike Pence on the whole idea of the meeting. We'll discuss the latest example of Trump's so-called "diplomacy."

Open Sources is live on CFRU 93.3 fm and at 5 pm on Thursday.