This week on Open Sources Guelph, we’re taking a break, and it’s the same for next week (or last week depending on when you’re reading this). Yes, the time has come for our usual summer vacation, but we’re not leaving you hanging! As we recharge our senses and collect your thoughts, you will be treated to a long-running tradition in the production of rich media: The rerun. As we cash-in some of our vacation days, you will be entertained by the ghosts of Open Sources’ past.

Barbeque Season. As Doug Ford and other politicians cook up some delicious meats, the scandals are taking a break. For this lazy August, we’re going to take a break too as we wait for the governments to return to their chambers and grill some more controversy, and in the meantime we’re presenting you two different episodes of the show that highlight some of the interesting news we’ve covered lately, and some of the interesting people we’ve talked to. Get outside, have fun, and don’t forget the coleslaw!

*Programming Note: Open Sources Guelph will return with new episodes on Thursday August 17.

Open Sources is live on CFRU 93.3 fm and at 5 pm on Thursday.