This week on Open Sources Guelph, we're running out of candidates! As we're getting closer to Election Day - a week-and-a-half now! - we're down to the last few candidates on the 2019 ballot in Guelph, and this week, both candidates are both old friends of the show. On this week's episode, we'll hear from Independent candidate Kornelis Klevering, and Green Party of Canada candidate Steve Dyck.

This Thursday, October 10, at 5 pm, Scotty Hertz and Adam A. Donaldson will discuss:

The Good Kase. Kornelis Klevering is back, and this time, he's independent. Brother Kase has been a regular, recognizable face in local Federal politics for years as a representative of the Marijuana Party, but now he's on his own, and he's trying to shake up the race by putting the "common" back in the House of Commons. Kase will talk about his new politics, and his push to create a truly all-candidate debate in the middle of the campaign.

Green New Spiel. If there's a local candidate with the most momentum in this campaign, it's probably Steve Dyck. The 2011 Provincial candidate, clean tech businessman, and electoral reform advocate is hoping to catch tailwinds from Mike Schreiner's victory in Guelph last year, while Guelph itself has been identified as one of the party's best hopes for more seats in the House. We'll ask Dyck about the odds, and fighting for climate change as a mainstream election issue.

Open SourcesĀ is live on CFRU 93.3 fm andĀ at 5 pm on Thursday.