This week on Open Sources Guelph, we begin October with a discussion of the most terrible show on Earth. Yes, we will dive into the sewage of the first Presidential debate for 2020, and then we will talk about some of our own issues right here in Canada with people who think they're cops trying to arrest people on fake charges. In the realm of the real, we'll talk to a member of city council about the always controversial library project in Guelph.

This Thursday, October 1, at 5 pm, Scotty Hertz and Adam A. Donaldson will discuss:

Debase Night. The first Presidential debate of the 2020 cycle was... Uh, what's a polite word for "$h!tshow"? Indeed, the worst predictions for what the first round of Biden Vs Trump would like like were not bad enough to capture what actually happened, including another chance for the President to refute white supremacists that even his loudest supports [almost] couldn't forgive. We'll talk about the debate highlights (?) and whether or not there'll be a second.

Citizen's Oppressed. On Parliament Hill, one man has decided that he's going to clean up the place, but no one elected him, and he has no law enforcement powers beyond the ones he's given himself. The same guy that tried to arrest Justin Trudeau this past summer, has been harassing other people on the Hill, which compounds the issues of government members and other politicians who are being harassed and receiving threats. Do MPs need more protection?

Library Marred. Coming up next week at Guelph City Council, there will be a vote on two major infrastructure projects, the South End Community Centre and the new main branch of the library. The latter is a project that's been on the City's to-do list for the last 25 years, and it's starting to look like it's in danger of not going forward. Ward 5 Councillor Cathy Downer will join us to lend her vast experience on the file, and to discuss her hope that the project will still move forward.

Open SourcesĀ is live on CFRU 93.3 fm andĀ at 5 pm on Thursday.