This week on Open Sources Guelph, it's about all the unanswered questions. Will another scandal permanently sink the Liberals chances for re-election? Which political party will disappointed progressives find more appealing in the election? Will Doug Ford ever run out of scandals? And is there an election somewhere that might be bigger and stranger than anything going on in Canada?

This Thursday, May 16, at 5 pm, Scotty Hertz and Adam A. Donaldson will discuss:

Norman Leering. The prosecution of Vice Admiral Mark Norman fell apart quite suddenly last week, and it made Liberal scandals involving prosecutorial interference front page news again. This story has existed under the wire for almost four years, but since the SNC Lavalin affair has cooled off, it's given the Opposition something new to get riled up about. But is the Norman scandal the same as SNC, and is there enough grist here for the non-stop mill of the news cycle?

Green Vs Orange. The Canadian Press recently wondered if the NDP's introduction to the House of Commons of a motion to declare a climate emergency was a preemptive move to get ahead of the Green Party. All signs point to an ascendant Green Party in this fall's election, and an NDP that might have to struggle to hold on to its 44 seats in the Commons. So will the real contest in October be between Jagmeet Singh and Elizabeth May instead of the title match between Justin Trudeau and Andrew Scheer?

Health Classless. Premier Doug Ford has had another busy week. Before getting booed at the open ceremonies of the youth Special Olympics, his government announced cuts to the province's public health units, and the fact that Ontario's 35 different units will be soon amalgamated into 10. The Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph unit will now be lumped in with Waterloo, Peel, and Halton, and somehow that's just one of the stories in another week of overstuffed headlines from Queen's Park.

Asamanjas 2019 (Hindi for "Indecision 2019"). Canada isn't the only country with election fever these days. Over in India, Narendra Modi is facing off against Rahul Gandhi in an election featuring nearly a billion eligible voters taking turns voting in seven different rounds over the course of a month. We'll take a look at the issues and clashing campaign styles happening right now in the world's biggest democracy, and what Modi's odds for re-election are in the Earth's biggest election (ever?)!

Open SourcesĀ is live on CFRU 93.3 fm andĀ at 5 pm on Thursday.