This week on Open Sources Guelph, we're getting ready for the long weekend, and that means stoking some controversy. We're going to re-visit the non-stop state of weirdness, ignorance, and conspiracy in the American executive, and then we're going to discuss some controversial comments from a Canadian politician who is no stranger to controversial comments. Before that though, we'll hear from Guelph's mayor and get the latest about the local response to COVID-19.

This Thursday, May 14, at 5 pm, Scotty Hertz and Adam A. Donaldson will discuss:

Cam on COVID. Scotty interviewed Mayor Cam Guthrie back in March just a few days into the pandemic lockdown, and this week we're going to check back in with the mayor about how Guelph is doing now just a few months later. Guthrie will talk to us this week about the long plateau of lockdown and keeping people engaged, the work of his economic task force, his advocacy through LUMCO, and the things he's learning about what it takes to be mayor in a crisis.

It's Coming From Inside the [White] House. U.S. President Donald Trump is not having a good week. He's got key White House staff contracting COVID-19, a desperate desire to re-open the economy, a new conspiracy theory that makes even less sense than usual, and his scientific advisors told the senate about all the worse case scenarios they're not allowed to say to his face. We'll look at all that, and some casual racism during a press conference on this week's edition of the Trump Show.

"Oil is Dead"? In a National Observer op-ed, former Green Party leader Elizabeth May doubled down on a comment she made in a press conference, "Oil is dead." This made more than a few politicians, business people and even journalists apoplectic; why does May hate jobs, money, stimulus, economic freedom, etc? We'll look at May's arguments, and consider that maybe, just maybe, she might be on to something...

Open SourcesĀ is live on CFRU 93.3 fm andĀ at 5 pm on Thursday.