This week on Open Sources Guelph many of our ongoing stories lines come to a head, but it's not exactly the end of the story. We'll look at the questions that still linger even though the Mueller Report has been delivered. We'll cover the beginning of the Alberta election, which might be the end of one brief dynasty. Abroad, we'll look at the exit that didn't happen, but still might, and then a candidate in Israel's election seems to be depending on some of that foreign interference.

This Thursday, March 28 at 5 pm, Scotty Hertz and Adam A. Donaldson will discuss:

Mueller's Crossing. After nearly two years of waiting and investigating, the report by Special Council Robert Mueller has been delivered, and it was a total and complete vindication for President Donald Trump. No collusion! That's a load off, or it would be if that's what the report actually said, and if we had more than four lines from the report as interpreted by Trump's own attorney general in the public domain. We'll talk about what we do know about the report, and all the unanswered questions we still have.

War of the Wild Roses. The provincial election in Alberta got underway a few weeks ago, and the polls are saying that this is the beginning of the end for the Wild Rose province's brief flirtation with left-wing governance. But what is Alberta going to get in return? As UCP candidates drop out for comments at various levels of inappropriateness, leader Jason Kenney is acting more like he's running against Justin Trudeau than Rachel Notley, and is even flirting with Alberta separatism. We'll discuss the race so far.

Brexit to Eden? The United Kingdom was supposed to leave the European Union on Friday, but then no one could agree how to do it. Instead, there's now an April deadline to leave, and the constant certainty that Parliament will not solve in two weeks what they haven't solved in two years. In the meantime, the House of Commons had a series on non-binding votes on Brexit options, but those are just as likely to go to the same place as Theresa May's original deal. Will there ever be a Brexit?

Bibi fête. Over in Israel there's an election right now, and the current prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, is fighting to keep his job even though he's presently under indictment for bribery and other charges. In tough times, it's important to have friends in high places, which is why Donald Trump signed a proclamation ceding the Golan Heights to Israel despite the outrage of the international community, and the tradition of the U.S. President staying out of foreign elections. So dies Bibi have a chance?

Open Sources is live on CFRU 93.3 fm and at 5 pm on Thursday.