What do you do when there's so much news you can't possibly fit it all into a single hour? Who can say, but on this week's special edition of Open Sources Guelph, you're going to see a couple of guys try their damnedest to fill your brain with the maximum allowable amount of current events coverage. Grab your favourite snack of self-isolation, because it's time for the social distance version of OSG!

This Thursday, March 19, at 5 pm, Scotty Hertz and Adam A. Donaldson will discuss:

Good Coviddance (The Time of Our Lives). It's pretty much the only thing that anyone is talking about right now. The COVID-19 pandemic is affecting all areas of life from politics, to the economy, to education, to entertainment and sports, and, of course, healthcare. Events are moving fast and furiously, and its hard to keep up with all the latest developments from right here in our own backyard to the broader implications and actions at the provincial, national and international level. We will do our best to bring you the latest information on all the COVID-craziness.

Speaking of the latest, Scotty Hertz has been running an emergency daily news show on COVID-19. You can listen to excepts from Monday and Tuesday's show here.

And you can listen to Wednesday's show, which featured interviews with Mayor Cam Guthrie and Guelph Mercury Tribune reporter Graeme McNaughton, here.

Open SourcesĀ is live on CFRU 93.3 fm andĀ cfru.ca at 4 pm on Thursday.