This week on Open Sources Guelph we will again tackle the pressing issues of the day, and maybe have a few laughs along the way. But probably not. We're drowning in plastic, and then there's the drastic changes made by the Ford government, which has decided to take the next five months off having been so productive. We'll also have a visitor in the form of one of Guelph's 12 city councillors. Hint? She'll be doing the interview in her home ward.

This Thursday, June 13, at 5 pm, Scotty Hertz and Adam A. Donaldson will discuss:

144 Days of Summer. The Ontario Legislature rose for the summer last Thursday, and they won't be back at Queen's Park until more than a month into the fall. This will, theoretically, allow politicians and political operatives to participate in the Federal Election on October 21, but the rumbling from the Federal Conservative camp is that Doug Ford, and his unpopularity, will be more liability than asset. In the meantime, what do we make of this first quarter of the PC mandate?

Plastic Measures. Plastic is killing us. Whether it's sea life eating plastic by the pound, to micro-particles of plastic being set loose in ecosystems, to huge mounds of the stuff the size of continents being found in the middle of the ocean, plastic is a big problem, and Canada is setting out the goal to ban single-use plastic from the country by 2021. But what about good middle class jobs and the billion-dollar plastic industry? Can Canada really move forward with such an ambitious goal?

Ward 5 Alive. This week, we will welcome Ward 5 Councillor Cathy Downer to the exact centre of her ward, the CFRU studios! These are interesting times for city councils across Ontario, with a lot of changes coming down from the Province. Downer has a pretty big investment in one of those edicts, the return of the old Ontario Municipal Board rules under the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal, so we'll talk to her about that, as well as other issues making the rounds at the council horseshoe and city hall.

Open SourcesĀ is live on CFRU 93.3 fm andĀ at 5 pm on Thursday.