This week on Open Sources Guelph, we're going looking for some answers. Is the Ontario government making the right moves in responding to COVID-19? Does the leader of the Liberal Party have any better answers than the ones coming out of the government? And where in the world is Kim Jong Un? We're going to do some investigating, or rather, as much investigating as we can in quarantine.

This Thursday, April 30, at 5 pm, Scotty Hertz and Adam A. Donaldson will discuss:

Sufficient Proposal. Premier Doug Ford announced his government's plan to re-open the province in a gradual and responsible way with the feedback of public health officials, all that was missing was a timeline. Meanwhile in Quebec, the government there is looking to open schools two weeks from now even though over half of all COVID cases in Canada are in that province. Is Ontario moving too slow, and is Quebec moving too fast?

Kim Jong Un-dead. There's a lot of uncertainty in the world right now thanks to COVID-19, but the biggest uncertainty in foreign relations presently is the mystery absence of Kim Jong Un. The leader of North Korea has not been seen in public for nearly a month, and the rumour mill's been churning about whether or not the Dear Leader is dead or almost dead. So how do we know what's going on in North Korea, and why should we be concerned?

Steven Unrehearsed. He was elected the Liberal leader right before everybody got quarantined, but Steven Del Duca has been trying to keep up with the rapidly changing situation around COVID-19 like the rest us. This week, we will talk to Del Duca about his own ideas about what the Provincial government needs to do to respond, his first month on the job, and what the future of politics might look like on a social distant campaign trail.

Open SourcesĀ is live on CFRU 93.3 fm andĀ at 5 pm on Thursday.