This week on Open Sources Guelph, everything old is new again! Nothing changes after two big by-elections in different parts of Ontario, and the war that has stymied the world for the better part of a year now only looks close to reaching a resolution. Also, under hope and change, we have a guest this week that hopes a commemoration this month will lead to improved lives for people everywhere!

This Thursday, May 9, at 5 pm, Scotty Hertz and Adam A. Donaldson will discuss:

Paradise Lost, and Found. That's a John Milton joke, and Milton Ontario was in the news this week as the location of one of two by-elections, both of which were won by Doug Ford and the Progressive Conservatives. That's where paradise was found, where it was lost was affordable housing money from the feds and the keffiyeh ban that no one wants, but no one can get rid of. We'll tall about another wild week at Queen's Park.

The Beginning of the End? On Sunday there was an announcement that a ceasefire agreement had been reached in the now seven-month conflict in the Gaza Strip, but before you could say "Done deal", the Israeli Defense Forces launched an attack on the crossing at Rafah, the last portion of Gaza still standing. With the U.S. Administration at its wits end, are we entering the most perilous phase of this conflict, the end?

Sexual Violence Prevention Month. May is Sexual Violence Prevention Month. and while different groups may have a variation on the name, the intent is always the same: An end to all forms of sexual violence. This week, we're joined by Cindy McMann, the public educator of Guelph-Wellington Women in Crisis, who will tell us what she's doing locally including the effort to make Intimate Partner Violence an epidemic.

Open SourcesĀ is live on CFRU 93.3 fm andĀ at 5 pm on Thursday.