This week on Open Sources Guelph, it's starting to feel like the bad guys are winning. It's certainly true that a bad guy won in Russia this week, and he has a friend in the United States who he wants to join him in all the winning, but that's still be determined because that guy's got bigger problems. In terms of the smaller problems, we'll have a guest on to talk about solutions.

This Thursday, March 21, at 5 pm, Scotty Hertz and Adam A. Donaldson will discuss:

The Totally Vlad Show. In an election outcome that was assured long before a single vote was cast, Vladimir Putin has secured a fifth term as the President of the Russian Federation, which means he'll be in charge for a period longer than even Joseph Stalin. While Putin secures his continued dominance in the Kremlin, countries in eastern Europe are preparing for war so where does Russia go from here?

"Bloodbath" and Beyond. Donald Trump did it again, threatening America with violence in the event that he doesn't win the U.S. presidential election this fall. But maybe he was just lashing out because he's seemingly run out of gullible suckers who will cover his legal costs as he faces the possibility of having his assets seized by the New York Attorney General. We will catch up with some American politics.

The Fraud Squad. March is Fraud Prevention Month; in fact, 2024 marks the 20th annual observance of the occasion. These are very fraud-y times indeed with reports coming in all the time about someone losing money to a cryptocurrency scam or losing thousands of dollars to someone posing as their grandchild's criminal lawyer, but there are ways you can protect yourself. Jeff Horncastle from the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre will join us to talk about how.

Open Sources is live on CFRU 93.3 fm and at 5 pm on Thursday.