This week on Open Sources Guelph, we grab some canned programming off the shelf. It's a pretty busy week at city hall so we can't really dive into the news as much as we would like to. Instead, we put a call in to a new friend and an old friend to round out our time and chat around the news. First, we will talk to someone uniquely placed in the fight against gender-based violence, and second we've got another Green fellow named Mike who's having a very busy time lately too!

This Thursday, November 30, at 5 pm, Scotty Hertz and Adam A. Donaldson will discuss:

A Man's Work. Nest week is the 34th anniversary of the attack that killed 14 women at L'École Polytechnique in Montreal, which is now known as the National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women. It's an important reminder that there's a lot left to do in the mission to eliminate gender-based violence, and this week we will talk to one of the people leading the way. Our guest is Humberto Carolo, executive director of the White Ribbon campaign, and he will explain why men need to carry their weight in this struggle.

Don't Bore Us, Get to Morrice! It's a pretty busy time up the road in the riding of Kitchener Centre, there's a provincial by-election wrapping up as we're going to air. Green Party supporters are hoping for a breakthrough, and this week we're joined by the man who pointed the way, MP Mike Morrice. Kitchener Centre's federal rep will join us again to talk about the federal government's action on housing and affordability, Canada's influence on the war between Israel and Hamas, and how he's proved to the people in his riding that Green leadership can work for Kitchener.

Open Sources is live on CFRU 93.3 fm and at 5 pm on Thursday.