This week on Open Sources Guelph, we make jokes about snow tires. Good thing because the rest of this show is about some super serious stuff including the war in Gaza, which has really heated up since we last talked about it, and along with that we will also talk about how we're discussing the war here at home. Speaking of home, there are a lot of people in our community without one and we're going to talk to someone in government trying to fix that.

This Thursday, November 9, at 5 pm, Scotty Hertz and Adam A. Donaldson will discuss:

The War. Now more than a month after the brutal terrorist attack by Hamas, Israeli Defense Forces are making a push into Gaza on the ground while air strikes continue overhead. Gaza City is surrounded and the IDF are primed to go from building to building in order to find Hamas and their vast network of tunnels, plus the hostages they're holding, but there's global concern about the collateral damage and as many as 10,000 dead Palestinian civilians. We'll talk about the latest news.

The Discourse. Along with the war in Gaza, there's the war right here at home. We've seen alarming rises in both Islamophobic and Antisemitic hate crimes, but we've also seen an increase in the number of accusations. Social media posts supporting Israel being called genocidal, chants at pro-Palestinian rallies being called hate speech, and was someone flying a swastika in the National Capital Region again?! We'll talk about the present state of the discourse around the war.

Dave's Here, Man. More locally, the City of Guelph is in the process of putting together the 2024-2027 multiyear budget and one of the biggest pressures on that budget is increased need for social services like housing and emergency shelters. To help us lay out the challenges and solutions, we're joined this week by Wellington County councillor and chair of the Social Services Committee David Anderson who's going to talk about working with the City of Guelph on creating solutions to the great and increasing community need.

Open SourcesĀ is live on CFRU 93.3 fm andĀ at 5 pm on Thursday.