This week on Open Sources Guelph, we would make a May the 4th joke, but we've got some serious stuff to discuss. First, there's a provincial election going in Alberta now, which is a pretty big deal, but what's happening in Sudan is even a bigger deal as violence and civil strife has erupted once again. In the second half of the show, we'll talk about issues around abortion here in Canada, and believe us there are some.

This Thursday, May 4, at 5 pm, Scotty Hertz and Adam A. Donaldson will discuss:

Will Be Wild (Rose)! It began on Monday, the long-awaited showdown between United Conservative Party Premier Danielle Smith and the former NDP Premier Rachel Notley. At stake are two competing visions for Alberta, but it's tough to say how all this is going to end; has Smith's UCP become too extreme for the averagely conservative Albertan, or can that same voter hold their nose and support a little social progress in their provincial government? We have four weeks to answer that question.

Meanwhile in Sudan... No one's calling it a civil war, but it sure feels like it is. Political tensions with their roots in Sudan's last civil war has erupted again with violence across Darfur and in the capital city of Khartoum, humanitarian workers have been killed and a widespread evacuation of foreign nationals from the county is underway. It's a complicated story, so we will look at the roots of the current conflict, what's happening on the ground, and what's happening with the Sudanese people as foreigners flee.

Canada Has Abortion Issues Too. There's a lot of attention on abortion issues south of the border, but while no government or court is trying to get end the right to an abortion here in Canada, there's still a lot of anti-abortion activism, and some of it can be sneaky. This week, we're joined by Galya Bravo, a board member of the Abortion Rights Coalition of Canada, who will talk about the problem with "crisis pregnancy centres" and how these unregulated clinics are backdooring abortion misinformation by appealing to pregnant people.

Open SourcesĀ is live on CFRU 93.3 fm andĀ at 5 pm on Thursday.