This week on Open Sources Guelph, we're caught between the picket line and the receiving line. You may have heard that there's a strike going on right now, so we will talk about the labour issues therein, and after that we go to the other side and the crowning of a king, which apparently we're not all excited about. In the second half, we're going to talk about the future, and the past, with a member of Guelph City Council.

This Thursday, April 27, at 5 pm, Scotty Hertz and Adam A. Donaldson will discuss:

Strike Back. The Public Service Alliance of Canada has been on strike for over a week now and there seems to be no sign of a resolution soon (unless there's some serious negotiating going on behind the scenes). The strike is about some of the usual stuff like wages, but the post-pandemic working environment is also at stake with people wanting to enshrine work from home and hybrid work options. Meanwhile, the strike comes at the end of tax season, so are Canadians just more concerned about their refund cheques?

Charles in Charge. Next week, King Charles III will take the throne of the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland in a more discreetly garish coronation ceremony, but it seems like Canadians don't care. According to an Angus Reid poll, a bare majority of Canadians, 52 per cent, want to flirt with republicanism, and not even a third of Canadians say they have a favourable view of the King. So are Charles' days as king numbered before they even formally begin?

Five Alive! As usual, it's been a busy couple of weeks at city council; the Comprehensive Zoning Bylaw update was passed, the Ontario government returned a decision about the City's latest Official Plan, and they approved changes coming soon to the fare structures for Guelph Transit. Here to help us make sense of all this is Ward 5 Councillor Leanne Caron, who will join us to talk about all these important matters, and, as the unofficial Minister of Local Heritage, get us excited about Doors Open Guelph this weekend.

Open Sources is live on CFRU 93.3 fm and at 5 pm on Thursday.