This week on Open Sources Guelph. we're coming home for Christmas (at least so far as the news is concerned). We're going to Alberta where there's some interesting new legislation to parse, and then we will catch-up with our old friends in the Green Party who also made some interesting choices. In Guelph though, we're going to sit down with another new city councillor to talk about local issues big and small.

This Thursday, December 8, at 5 pm, Scotty Hertz and Adam A. Donaldson will discuss:

Alberta First. Despite the numerous problems they're facing, the first bill brought to the floor by the new(ish) Alberta government was the Alberta Sovereignty Within a United Canada Act. Premier Danielle Smith says that the bill will give Alberta more control over its own destiny, and almost everyone else thinks it's an undemocratic power grab. Is a potential constitutional crisis a good move six months before an election?

Till You're Old and May... Elizabeth May has been returned to the head of the Green Party of Canada, but this time she has a young sidekick, Jonathan Pedneault. The co-leader arrangement is meant to buttress the charge that the party's looking backwards, especially after all the accusations and missteps during the leadership of Annamie Paul, but here's the real question: Does Canada still need a national Green Party?

Linda-gram. As we continue our journey around the new Guelph City Council table, we come to the new rep from the Quatro! This week, we're joined by Ward 4 City Councillor Linda Busuttil who will talk to us about her transition to council from the school board, transferring her community activism in the west end to her new role, and the big debates she's anticipating when council opens the budget in the new year.

Open Sources is live on CFRU 93.3 fm and at 5 pm on Thursday.