This week on Open Sources Guelph we're going to undermine the show we've put so much time and energy into. All the kids are doing self-destruction these days, whether that's governments failing on climate action, or a certain billionaire failing with business management. We're going to talk about that, and then we'll talk to someone who isn't failing, one of the new Guelph city councillors.

This Thursday, November 17, at 5 pm, Scotty Hertz and Adam A. Donaldson will discuss:

Little COP of Horrors. On the same week that the Earth crossed the 8 billion people mark (and just 12 years after we crossed 7 billion), world leaders gathered in Egypt for the annual conference to talk about the current state of the fight against climate change. There was a twist this time with a number of poorer countries demanding that richer ones pay for climate solutions, but is there any reason to expect real action?

Elon with the Wind. The biggest story in media right now involves the world's richest man buying one of the most influential social media platforms and essentially setting fire to it. Musk's exorbitant $44 billion purchase of Twitter resulted in numerous fumbles in his first few weeks of ownership, and some people are questioning whether Twitter will survive the experience. Is there a viable future for Musk?

Caton of the Union. The new city council was sworn in to office this week, and on this 401st episode of the show, we will talk to the new councillor from Guelph's first ward. Erin Caton joins us to talk about her first few days as a city councillor, the orientation experience, and making her agenda a reality. Plus, we will talk about the first piece of serious business for council: a unified City response to the Ontario government's Bill 23.

Open Sources is live on CFRU 93.3 fm and at 5 pm on Thursday.