This week on Open Sources Guelph, it's back to normal. Or, at least, what passes for normal. With the election over, the format is getting back to normal at least with two news items and an interview. This week, we're talking about the inquiry into the Emergencies Act, and the still relatively new government in Queen's Park, plus we will have an interview with an outgoing member of city council about a job well done.

This Thursday, October 27, at 5 pm, Scotty Hertz and Adam A. Donaldson will discuss:

Inquiry Minds Want to Know. For the past two weeks, officials have been probing the use of the Emergencies Act. Testimony so far has revealed a complete breakdown in planning and intelligence gathering during the so-called "Freedom Convoy", but we kind of knew that already. Also, Premier Doug Ford is of the opinion he doesn't have to testify even after other witnesses have thrown him under the bus. We'll catch up.

Fall Back to Queen's Park. The Government of Ontario took some time off to let the municipal elections unfold, but they were back in business in a big way Tuesday with new legislation meant to help with the housing crisis. The real dark cloud though is the gathering spectre of job action as CUPE educational workers are in a legal strike position a week from today. So how are things going in the House of Ford?

Done Hasslin' With the Hof'. She wasn't running for re-election on Monday, but this week we're going to talk to June Hofland, now the outgoing Ward 3 City Councillor. Hofland's been on council since 2006, so she's leaving with a wealth of experience and insight dealing with municipal matters, and we're going to pick her brain about some of those lessons, plus, we will ask her about her legacy and her unfinished business.

Open Sources is live on CFRU 93.3 fm and at 5 pm on Thursday.