This week on Open Sources Guelph, we're throwing ourselves out of the party. It's a busy week for Conservative leadership drama between recent developments here in Canada, and on the other side of the pond in the United Kingdom. In between all this drama, we will talk about the challenges facing our healthcare system, and that thing that happened last Friday, which reminded everyone that we're much more connected online than we think...

This Thursday, July 14, at 5 pm, Scotty Hertz and Adam A. Donaldson will discuss:

Rogers Rabbited. It's hard to find anyone that wasn't touched by the nation-wide Rogers service outage, even if you weren't a Rogers customer. So what now? Rogers' proposed merger with Shaw seems less likely to happen now, but despite that, we still live in a country where three companies control 90 per cent of the access points to the internet for some of the most expensive prices in the free world. Will the Rogers outage finally prompt the Federal government to step in and break the monopoly?

Falling Brown. Brampton Mayor Patrick Brown was supposed to be the Red Tory hope for a future free of the populist impulse control of Pierre Poilievre, but those hopes were dashed when some creative accounting resulted in Brown getting bounced from the race last week. Brown thinks he can make a comeback, but even in his safe space inside Brampton City Hall the knives are out over spending scandals and the inability to fill a vacant council seat, so is this officially the end of Brown's comeback?

Care Game. Canada's first ministers met in British Columbia this week and they all agreed that the nation's healthcare system is on the brink of collapse. We see it all around our area, from the line-up of ambulances at Guelph General Hospital to this weekend's overnight closure of the ER in Mount Forest, it's clear that there are some very big challenges in healthcare, but what there's not is anything resembling an innovative solution. What will it take to break the healthcare log jam?

Hard Core Bojo. He finally did it! Boris Johnson finally generated a scandal so big that his caucus had to force him out as the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. It would be wrong to say that Johnson is out because of the Pincher affair alone, but rather it's the cumulative effect of numerous scandals from "party-gate" to the fumbling of the post-Brexit plan, and after months of trying, Johnson is now finally almost gone. Good job! But where does the U.K.'s venerable Tory party go from here?

Open SourcesĀ is live on CFRU 93.3 fm andĀ at 5 pm on Thursday.