This week on Open Sources Guelph, slap coverage will be kept to a minimum, unless, of course, the topic of a very immature social media post from the Alberta Premier comes up. Jason Kenney is among our topics of conversation this week, and we will also, obviously, talk about the latest war news from Ukraine. Closer to home, one of CFRU's city councillors will join us to talk about plans of the official variety.

This Thursday, March 31, at 5 pm, Scotty Hertz and Adam A. Donaldson will discuss:

Ukraine Drain. We're now more than a month into the war, and there are small signs for hope. At peace talks in Turkey, the Russians said that they might drawn down their numbers in Ukraine, but that comes with a lot of skepticism from allies. Meanwhile, President Joe Biden got into trouble for flirting with regime change in Russia while going off-script in a speech, which the White House later walked back. So what's next?

You've Got Mail-in. If the upcoming leadership review for the United Conservative Party wasn't controversial enough, the announcement that their review will be done by mail-in ballot instead of in-person in Red Deer on April 9 took the controversy up to 110. Premier Jason Kenney is reportedly worried about “crazies” and “kooks" hijacking the meeting, but is he going to end up offending some of the supporters he needs?

Leanne with a Plan. On Wednesday, council met to have the planning meeting for the next Official Plan Amendment for the City of Guelph. There's a lot of pressure with all the growing pains falling on the Royal City, so providing some insight this week is Ward 5 Councillor Leanne Caron who will talk about the the battle to find the right density for Guelph, and the need to make sure open space in the city is protected.

Open Sources is live on CFRU 93.3 fm and at 5 pm on Thursday.