This week on Open Sources Guelph, there's war, peace and optimism. The war part is obvious, it's another week of death and despair in Ukraine, and still with now end in sight. In peace news though, two major Federal parties have reached a deal to govern for the next few years if they can figure out how to make it world. Optimism? Well, we have a candidate who hopes he will be Guelph's next Member of Provincial Parliament.

This Thursday, March 24, at 5 pm, Scotty Hertz and Adam A. Donaldson will discuss:

Russian Maul. This week, leaders from NATO countries are meeting in Brussels to talk about the war in Ukraine, where the fourth brutal week of fighting has seen Russian forces dig in around Kiev, which they're still no where close to seizing, while pretty much bombing the port city of Mariupol back to the Stone Age. All this as the world tries to guess just how serious Vladimir Putin's nuclear threats are. We'll discuss the latest.

Singh for the Moment. In a surprise move, it was announced on Tuesday that the Federal Liberals and NDP had reached a deal: Jagmeet Singh and his caucus will hold up the government until 2025, and in exchange Justin Trudeau and his team will go to bat for key New Democratic priorities. It's a shrewd move on the part of Trudeau, and a big risk for Singh, but does this have a chance of working out as planned.

Parr For the Course. Last week, the local NDP members chose their candidate for the coming provincial election, and it's James Parr. The long-time Guelphite and mechanical engineer is playing up his millennial bonafides as a young person that knows the struggles of modern young people, from coping with mental health to the challenges of buying a house. He joins us this week to talk about how he wants to fix all that.

Open SourcesĀ is live on CFRU 93.3 fm andĀ at 5 pm on Thursday.