This week on Open Sources Guelph, we will demonstrate for some under-reported news stories. For instance, are we putting too much on the back of the vaccine hesitancy movement, and why haven't we heard more about the far-right contenders in this year's provincial election? Speaking of the coming vote, our guest this week is one of the candidates in Guelph, and she has a lot of healthcare expertise.

This Thursday, January 13, at 5 pm, Scotty Hertz and Adam A. Donaldson will discuss:

Med of the Class. The Omicron wave of the pandemic has replaced feelings of togetherness and fortitude with feelings of resentment and bitterness, and a lot of that is directed at people who are not vaccinated yet. But are all these people making a political stand? How many are facing barriers to the vaccine that have nothing to do with being an "anti-vaxxer"? We'll talk about the role of class in this pandemic.

All the Right's Moves. Ontarians will be going to the polls this year, and while there's always some vote-splitting on the left-hand side of the spectrum, this year will be marked with new options on the right. For the 2022 election, there will be a number of far-right challengers to the PCs, and they're being led by some of our favourite anti-vax/anti-mask/anti-lockdown politicians. We'll talk about the new contenders.

Raechelle! Raechelle! Speaking of the coming election, we will have one of the local contenders on this week's show. Raechelle Devereaux is the CEO of the Guelph Community Health Centre, so she's a busy woman already, but now she's the Liberal Party of Ontario candidate for Guelph. Devereaux will talk about her pandemic experience working in local public health, and why she wants to help Ontario do better as Guelph's next MPP.

Open SourcesĀ is live on CFRU 93.3 fm andĀ at 5 pm on Thursday.