This week on Open Sources Guelph, we still have a lot to say about the 2021 Federal Election. We will dedicate the first half of the show to talking about all the election news we didn't cover on Monday night, and what the results mean going forward. In the second half of the show, we will talk about the return of a certain Alberta Premier to the national stage, and the latest from a certain angry Florida retiree.

This Thursday, September 16, at 5 pm, Scotty Hertz and Adam A. Donaldson will discuss:

Déjà Vote. So the votes have been mostly counted, and it turns out that Canadians like the way Parliament was working just fine. We'll dedicate the first half of the show to the fallout from Election Day including the low turnout, the long lines, and the fate of key leaders like Justin Trudeau, Erin O'Toole and Annamie Paul. Also, is the People's Party, and their concerning politics, here to stay? We will talk about all of that, and more.

Jason Lives. Perhaps predictably, Alberta Premier Jason Kenney emerged from self-imposed exile the day after Election Day to toss his Health Minister. With the provincial health system on the brink of collapse, the Alberta government is looking for help to deal with the fourth wave, while people across the province are just angry about the lack of leadership from Edmonton. Is this the last straw for Kenney?

Woodward and Burn-stein. A new book from Bob Woodward called Peril has recalled the old spectres from the final days of the Donald Trump administration. It turns out that even the supposed heroes in the administration were not as brave as we thought they were, and it turns out that the Trump team knew all along that the alleged fraud was non-existent. So why is America still falling further towards authoritarianism?

Open Sources is live on CFRU 93.3 fm and at 5 pm on Thursday.