This week on Open Sources Guelph it feels like summer. Yes, the House of Commons has wrapped up for the year, but have they wrapped up forever? (Yes, that was an Alice Cooper reference.) Speaking of being out forever, we will talk about the full withdrawal of U.S. troops from Afghanistan, while closer to home, we will hear from some members of our Muslim community about their everyday concerns in Canada.

This Thursday, June 23, at 5 pm, Scotty Hertz and Adam A. Donaldson will discuss:

The End of the Term As We Know It (And We Feel Confused). This term of the House of Commons finished up on Wednesday, and there seems to be widespread agreement that we're not going back in the fall, we're going to the polls. But why? Exactly how high is the possibility of holding a national election sometime this fall? We will talk about that, and we will talk about the last few votes of a contentious year on Parliament Hill.

Withdrawal Remorse? President Joe Biden set a deadline for September 11, 2021 to end the U.S. War in Afghanistan, but it seems like the withdrawal of troops might be complete sooner. In the meantime, the Taliban are having an incredible streak of success in taking various parts of the country, prompting concerns about Afghanistan's future. We will look at the complex web of issues to end America's longest war.

A Sense of Community. After the hate-driven attack on a London family earlier this month, a number of communities got together to show their support for Muslim neighbours, and Guelph was no exception. This week, we will play some sound from the Guelph Muslim Society gathering as local leaders talk about fighting Islamophobia in their everyday lives, and the struggle to just feel like themselves in their neighbourhood.

Open SourcesĀ is live on CFRU 93.3 fm andĀ at 5 pm on Thursday.