For the last six weeks, the team at Open Sources Guelph has been chasing the nearly 40 candidates running for Guelph city council, and we caught almost 75 per cent of them. Presented here for the first time, we've organized all the interviews we've done according to the wards, and as we go into the first weekend of early voting, consider these special editions of the show as essential tools in decided who to vote for.

This Saturday, October 8, Scotty Hertz and Adam A. Donaldson will discuss:

The Running Men and Women. The municipal election is on Monday October 24, and we’ve spent the last several weeks bringing you the voices of the people running to be a part of the next city council, from the new developments in the south end, to the ancient core of Guelph in Ward 2; from all parts west of the Hanlon in Ward 4 to all parts east of Victoria in the new Ward 1. And yeah, we're also got people from Ward 3 and Ward 5 too. Click 'play' on the special episode that most directly applies to you below.

Ward 4: Linda Busuttil, Hitesh Jagad, Adrian Salvatore, and Justin Van Deale.

Open Sources is live on CFRU 93.3 fm and at 5 pm on Thursday.