Next week, council will have their meeting to confirm the 2023 budget, which, on the surface, seems like a relatively ordinary and straightforward procedure, but it may be a pretty big hint at the challenges that are coming for the members of city council, old and new alike. In terms of the new, and the challenges they’ve already been facing, this seems like a good time to get to know a few more of the new council players.

So we kick off the second part of a two-part recap featuring recent interviews with the new councillors with Carly Klassen of Ward 2. She will talk about standing out in the very competitive Ward 2 race in last year’s election, and her first few weeks as the sitting councillor. She also talked about the emergence of Bill 23, how that’s impacted the job description and responsibilities of being a city councillor, and the recent renaissance of root cellars in the Ward.

We’ll then talk to Ward 4 Councillor Linda Busuttil, who will chat about transitioning from the school board, improving the representation of Ward 4 at City Hall, and the ways she wants to change the job. She also talks about her thoughts around Bill 23 and its impact on council business, how the legislation doesn’t tackle the affordability issue, and how it also undermines the proverbial toolbox for city council to solve problems.

And last, but not least, we’ve got Ward 6's Ken Yee Chew who will talk about the campaign strategy that led to him upsetting the near-certain re-election of an incumbent, and the political make-up of Ward 6. From there, he talks about Bill 23 from his perspective as a councillor and as a municipal planner, and why the legislation will create as much stress among City staff as it will in the community. Also, he'll talk about his concerns about the separation of South Guelph from the rest of town in the new Federal riding maps.

So let’s talk to some our new council friends – again – on this week’s edition of the Guelph Politicast!

You can hear new interviews every week with Guelph councillors and other government newsmakers on Open Sources Guelph, Thursday at 5 pm on CFRU 93.3 fm or Also, keep visiting Guelph Politico for all the latest coverage about all the latest city council meetings.

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