It's been a while, but every now and then on the podcast, we like to take a minute, or 30, and talk about the issues happening Guelph, and give them some context in the bigger political picture. What are people talking about, how will it affect their lives, and what are the angles they're not thinking about? In other words, we're going to talk about "Guelph Stuff".

This week on the podcast, we're joined again by Guelph Politico contributor Eli Ridder to chat a little about "Guelph Stuff", and we've got three main topics to talk about.

First up, we’re going to talk about whether or not the City of Guelph should declare a climate emergency. Several municipalities in Ontario have made the move in the last couple of months, and there’s been a lot of talk about green-friendly Guelph doing the same, but not everyone at city council is getting behind the idea.

Then, a matter of branding. Mayor Cam Guthrie and others have been using the hashtag #GuelphProud to promote Royal City goodness for the last couple of years, but with groups like the Proud Boys, and Ontario Proud out there, the word doesn’t exactly carry the same kind of jolly symbolism it once did.

And finally, polls show that the Liberals and the Greens are running neck and neck in the federal riding of Guelph, which might be a serious problem for this typically Liberal stronghold. So is it possible that Guelph might go entirely Green in the coming Federal Election, and what are the challenges for the other major parties?

So let’s get into some “Guelph Stuff” on this week’s edition of the Guelph Politicast!

Action on climate change will be a hot topic at the Committee of the Whole meeting on May 6, and you can find coverage of that, and all the latest Guelph political news here on Guelph Politico. “Guelph Stuff” will return sometime next month.

The host for the Guelph Politicast is Podbean. Find more episodes of the Politicast here.

Remember that the Politicast Podbean channel is also the host for podcast versions of Open Sources Guelph. The previous Thursday’s episode of Open Sources will be posted on Mondays.