This week on End Credits, we take on a daring adventure... to the movie theatre. For the first time in the pandemic era, we will watch something on the big screen, and it's hard to get much bigger than the latest Christopher Nolan picture, which is Tenet. That's the review, and before that we will thoughtfully rank all of Nolan's other movies.

This Wednesday, September 23, at 3 pm, Adam A. Donaldson and Peter Salmon will discuss:

Run the Series: Christopher Nolan's Movies. From a man with no short-term memory to the the hopeless beaches of France in World War II; from the crime-filled streets of Gotham City, to the endless streets of impossible dreams, the works of Christopher Nolan have covered a lot of ground. This week on "Run the Series" we will rank Nolan's first 10 films before...

REVIEW: Tenet (2020). It was supposed to one of the biggest hits of the summer, but it's now the canary in the coal mine. Tenet is Christopher Nolan's latest attempt to turn James Bond spy action into a trippy science fiction mind-bender where two spies try to stop a future war involving tech that allows the user to literally travel backwards in time. It's got all the trappings of another great high-concept thriller from Nolan, but has time run out for the auteur?

End Credits is on CFRU 93.3 fm and Wednesday at 3 pm.