This week on End Credits, we're on vacation. For the next two weeks, actually. We're getting back to nature, you see. We found this charming little summer camp in New Jersey with a sterling name. Sure, there's some local legend about a boogeyman living in the woods, but what are the odds any of that stuff is true? Now where did I leave my hockey mask?

Camping Out! There's a legend around here. A movie review show on community radio buried, but not dead. A curse on CFRU, a silly curse. End Credits' curse. They say the show died in the pandemic (along with theatrical presentation), but it keeps coming back. Few have seen it and lived. Some have even tried to stop it... No one can. People forget it's down there, waiting... for the end of their annual August break. We'll see you in a couple of weeks after a much needed summer vacation, so for the time being, enjoy some End Credits' classics!

*Programming Note: End Credits will return with new episodes on Wednesday August 31.

End Credits is on CFRU 93.3 fm and Wednesday at 3 pm.